Maths and Data Modelling

Undergraduate course, University of Bristol, 2020

In this unit, students work on particular mathematical/computational methodologies through grounding in team-based problem-solving applied to real world problems from external stakeholders. Supervision is provided in the form of model feedback, providing guidance to suitable solutions, helping team management and facilitating communication. The deliverable is a substantial technical report for the first two phases and a presentation for the last phase which is proposing and completing a technical startup.

Example Projects:

  • Modelling equations for clay pigeon shooting range
  • Piano rearrangement of musical pieces
  • Modelling Canal boat and water flow
  • Wind Farm and Solar Panel optimisation
  • Water eddy detection from satellite footage
  • NHS bed forecast modelling
  • Cycle detection in SGD optimisation
  • Sperm defect classification
  • Car crash detection from black box recording
  • Sky broadband factors for customer retention
  • Bayesian ML for Quantum Network optimisation