William Leeney

I’m passionate about AI, Open-Source Software, Crypto, Yoga and Basketball.

AI Solutions Specialist I excel at solving novel problems with AI. I’m a PhD student of Artificial Intelligence in the School of Engineering Mathematics and Technology at the University of Bristol supervised by Dr. Ryan McConville. If you have any questions that I can help with, please feel free to reach out via email at will dot leeney at outlook dot com or on LinkedIn. If you want to take a look at my CV then Click here.

Supervision Throughout my academic journey, I have actively engaged in mentorship, guiding over 50 machine learning projects for final year undergraduates. I excel in helping students formulate research problems, design experiments, and effectively communicate their findings through written reports and presentations.

Thesis Unsupervised Graph Neural Networks: Training Strategies and Evaluation Principles.

  • I demonstrated the need of a framework for more reliable evaluations showing the importance of experimental conditions.
  • I proposed empirically quantifying the sensitivity of performance comparisons to randomness.
  • I showed that it is possible to train GNNs with modularity to bypass a supervised optimisation in model selection or hyperparameter tuning.
  • I extended the framework to a new scenario for community detection, showing that multiple clients can collaborate on learning.

Areas of Study

  • Unsupervised Learning
  • GNNs
  • Randomness in ML Benchmarking
  • Federated Learning
  • Community Detection

I’m interested in AI as I believe we can improve the lives of all humans through practical machine learning. It’s also pretty fun seeing sci-fi dreams come to life. The applications of my research can be to improve latent representations for enhancing search; to encode patient information for health care to predict drug treatment recommendation; to help detect fake news on social media networks; to find financial indicator signals for price prediction trading algorithms.

Software Skills

  • python
  • julia
  • typescript
  • latex
  • git
  • shell scripts
  • C
  • java
  • html
  • css